Ladies and gents, what I’m about to tell you is something my past self would never have believed I'd say. With that said, please prepare yourselves for the inevitable chorus of me saying, “2024 m…
Read moreAfter months of being a bad, bad reader, I finally managed to finish a book today. How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot became the twelfth book I closed this year with (reading-wise), and this cute, teen-i…
Read moreI hope you understand when I admit that there's something oddly specific about the way December’s air pricks my skin. It radiates almost a biting cold—that massive, festive energy in harmony with…
Read moreJuggling a full-time corporate job and two blogs turns out to be quite a challenge. For this blog, I'm usually more laid-back. I don't really plan ahead what I write, nor do I make an outline…
Read moreThe soft glow from my laptop screen brings me back to more than a decade ago when my sister and I used to take turns using our dad’s old computer. I’m a corporate gal now, excelling in Excel and putt…
Read moreResearch and daily experiences show that magnetic fields often defy common sense. This is known as the Law of Magnetism for a reason: like poles repel one another, while unlike poles attract each oth…
Read moreIt was midnight. My mind urged me to change the subject, and I was looking for something to do. A few posts ago, I was enthusiastic—scared, but enthusiastic. Now, I was left wondering where my muse h…
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