April (Small) Wrap Up

I wouldn't declare April as a real bummer, but it hadn't been a great month for me to say the least. Without taking real-life stuff into consideration, my reading month was quite unacceptable considering I didn't have anything better to do at home. I only managed to finish two books, though if we did consider the actual stuff, two seemed to be quite alright.

(It's a local book so I'm gonna write the review in Bahasa)
Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan singkatnya bercerita tentang Shira dan Joshua, dua orang asing dengan kesedihan masing-masing, yang sama-sama bertemu di Jepang. Shira datang ke Tokyo karena merasa butuh waktu untuk dirinya sendiri. Sedangkan motif Joshua, selain untuk mengambil bagian dalam sebuah resital natal, adalah menikmati Jepang setelah diputuskan pacarnya. Keduanya bertemu secara tidak sengaja di airport. Saat itu, Joshua yang sedang tidak enak badan melihat Shira memasukkan Tolak Angin miliknya secara serampangan dan menawarkan untuk membelinya. Pertemuan-pertemuan berikutnya pun terjadi, ada yang sengaja ada yang tidak. Tapi semua itu bermuara pada sebuah perayaan. Perayaan kesedihan.

Overall, menurut saya pribadi, buku ini layak banget dibaca. Saya merasa dapat banyak insight baru dari buku ini. Selain covernya yang cantik (kece banget gak sih? Saya suka banget lihat designnya), pendeskripsian latar tempatnya yang detail pun gak bikin bosan. Saya merasa seperti ikut berkunjung ke Tokyo selagi mendengar cerita tentang Shira dan Joshua. Kalau kalian ingin baca sesuatu yang ringan tapi maknanya dalam, buku ini boleh banget dicoba.

The Star-Spun Web follows the story of Tess, a young girl who was left at the Ackerbees Home for Lost and Foundlings when she was still a baby. Knowing nothing about her past or her parents, Tess is intrigued when one day a stranger called Mr. Cleat comes to the Ackerbees Home and claims himself as her long lost relative. Mrs. Ackerbee, the owner of the house, doesn't believe him though. In order to brace Tess for the questionable claim, she confesses that she has always had the suspicion that Tess may have come from another reality. Tess is shocked by the revelation, but she's also determined to find out her true identity by meeting this strange man.

This book was overall quite enjoyable as a whole. I did fancy the way the author described the experience of jumping from one reality to another. The fact that there were a lot of historical events mentioned was very cool. It's utterly mind-blowing to imagine the impact of some real events on the supposedly different layers of reality. The description seemed to make total sense somehow. In contrast to the slow-moving beginning, the ending was far more badass and thus interesting. Moreover, the friendship in this book was pretty cute and unexpected too. It's always nice to read about girls teaming up and helping each other out.