Dream Vacation: A Cabin in The Woods

Months of waiting, hoping, and avoiding spoilers don't disappoint. With the arrival of my OwlCrate Jr's April box, an unboxing opportunity is now on the table. The theme, which has been highly anticipated by yours truly, is "Cabin in The Woods". As a matter of fact, I almost screamed excitedly when I first discovered how cute all the goodies were.

Here are all the goodies I got:
  • A log building set from @officialroytoy which was made from hand cut pine logs.
  • An Arlo Finch-inspired laser engraved wood magnet pin which was made by @juniperandivydesigns for young Pine Mountain ranger.
  • A craved woodland pen from @streamlinenyc. For your information, the animal selection in every box was varied hence I got the owl one.
  • A tassel bookmark with a quote from an author of Little House on The Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder, designed by @bookofkellz.
  • A print featuring a quote from Echo Mountain provided by the publisher @penguinkids.
  • Book of the month: Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk which came with an author letter and a signed book-plate. This book is a historical fiction novel that takes place during the Great Depression era in the rugged mountain wilderness.
  • The monthly collectible sticker of cute foxes designed by @tinysnails.
  • The monthly magazine designed by @themichellegray.
  • A sneak peek card of OwlCrate Jr's May box with the theme "Elements & Alchemy" which was designed by @veepdoodles.

OwlCrate Jr used to include a monthly collectible pin instead of a sticker in their past boxes though I actually love them all the same as the quality has always been unquestionably top-notch. The design usually brings out the main theme of the box, and in this case, it's the woods' most common animal: cute looking foxes. The recently mentioned sticker, along with the laser engraved wood magnet pin, is now stored in a special box in one of my drawers.

I love the fact that looking at these items soothes me. The rustic vibes seem to be very well accentuated by the theme and all of a sudden I'm feeling all nostalgic. Back in primary school, my mother and I used to borrow books from our former church's library all the time and Little House on The Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder was one of the series included. I can still vaguely recall one thing or two about it.

Now, promise me that you won't miss out on the upcoming OwlCrate Jr boxes. My code KAILEMRA can still be used to get a 15% off when checking out on their website. As Mr. Postman arrived with not only one but two boxes, you can expect an upcoming unboxing of its May "Elements & Alchemy" box later this week.