Autumn, As It Is

What I like the most about photography is that you can associate a single picture you take with different versions of yourself. For instance, in autumn last year, the combination of Halloween, made-up horror stories, and mystery books obsessed me. Dare I say that I also used a lot of fairy lights, planned (but failed) to rewatch the first season of Gilmore Girls, borrowed my Mom's apple cider, and arranged a stack of color-coordinated sweaters to match the mood.

This year, the celebratory photos are not as grand, though the autumn mood is somehow thicker, filling the air with what feels like perfect sweater weather to stroll around the street in. I no longer feel the need to prove the feeling by trying to capture the perfect picturesit's just going to be what it is this fall: my absence from reading, a bottle of olive oil my Mom bought earlier this week, and a stack of color-coordinated cardigans to wear in the upcoming months.

Let it be what it is supposed to be.

May this be an amazing season to go through, and that you'll find new exciting horror movies to watch.