Random Newsletter #1: Beginner's Guide to Walking/Running by @slow__pacer

I have been regularly blogging for about four yearsnot quite so long, but it's certainly not a short time either. While most of my writings vary from book reviews, random personal thoughts, and several travelogues, all of them have this identical foundation: my passion project which is something I like doing in my spare time.

Speaking about passion, I'd like to think that mine is more than just writing (or reading, for that matter). As I have said a few times before, the world is limitless. It offers you many chances to try new things, and it is up to you to take the bait and see it for yourself.

So lately, as you might have already known, I have been developing this fondness for walking, which is not independent of the influence my sister has splashed. While my newfound love is still growing, hers has bloomed into her personal passion project in an Instagram page with the handle @slow__pacer starting a week ago. Her spirit for walking/running gives me the idea of a fun interview with the people I'm close with, and so here I am now, welcoming my sister as my first guest in this random newsletter I plan to do more often in the future.


My sister, which we will refer to as V here, is the person behind a newly opened page: @slow__pacer. It's a page she specially dedicates to dumping the pictures she takes during her walk or break while running (to quote what she said, "I don't want to spam my personal account with pics of me walking or running, so I make a new public page for anyone who is actually interested").

Her love for walking bloomed around February this year. What started as a competition with her workmates has turned into a regular hobby over time. She walked every night, sometimes also in the morning, and quite often during her lunch break too (I witnessed it myself, trust me). After a while, she decided to level up her game. "I like to compete with myself, to give myself something to achieve and win." And so she has started running too now.

According to Strava, an app she uses to assess her running pace, her best achievement by far would be completing a 21.2k run. "Not as best as the other, but I'm still learning my way and it's been so much fun." She has this habit of setting a goal, small at first and eventually bigger, and later soaks in contentment when she can finish each one of them. "It's so challenging as a beginner, but once you've achieved even the smaller ones, it feels really cool!"

And now, for you, V is going to share her guide as a beginner in this walking/running expertise:

Beginner's Guide to Walking/Running by @slow__pacer: Some Tips if You Want to Start Walking/Running

1. Be Patient! Everything is Part of the Process
Starting something new is rarely easy, and this one is certainly no different. Like the infamous saying "beauty is pain" that is constantly paraded so that people would trust the process, beginning to walk/run weirdly adapts the same method. Pain is part of the process (some experiences: callous and sore feet), so getting over it doesn't require dropping the good habit altogether. After a while, after you get used to the sweaty venture, you will not feel the tiredness no matter how far you run or how exhausting the activity might seem to the other.

2. Be Consistent is the Key
If pain is part of the process, then being consistent is the ultimate key you have to first possess. Spare your time to walk/run. Don't let laziness be your master. Wear your running shoes and head to the nearest park.

3. Having Some Motivation Might Help
If you're still debating whether or not you should start working out, it seems that you're lacking the motivation to do so. Having a pull to do something helps, and with walking/running, incentives may be a huge benefit. You can think about what you will gain, say: perceiving a healthier lifestyle, or saying goodbye to the calories from the food you ate in the afternoon.

4. Remember: There is No Deadline

Remember, there is no deadline for achieving your goal. It could be tomorrow, two days from now on, perhaps next week, or even in another two years. There is nothing to stress over, just remember to walk/run and have fun!

5. You Can Walk/Run With a Friend, but Don't Make It a Habit
If you feel like walking/running with a friend motivates you more, then that's great. Go aim for a healthier lifestyle together with your best pal. One thing you should take note of though: don't be too dependent on whether or not your friend is going for a walk/run tonight. She's suddenly not feeling like it? Hold up, don't change into your jammies yet. Pick up your gear and go take a walk/run by yourself!